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Annual Return 1912 (June) zip file containing images Annual-Return-1912

Annual Return 1912 (September) zip file containing images

Annual Return 1912 (Amended) zip file containing images Annual-Return-1912

Certificate of Membership image

List of trustees 7/12/1902 image

Rules Amendment 1876  zip file containing images

Change of name to Downham Benevolent Society dated 3/12/1904 zip file containing images

Documents Held by the National Archive

Reference FS/3/117 /349 Downham Benevolent Society 

10 pieces 

1) Rules allowed 16/12/1794 begun 5/3/1785 at the house of Henry Armistead of Downham: male society

2) Amendment 18/7/1822 met at house of Hugh Granger in Downham

3) Amendment 1876 met at George & Dragon

4) List of trustees 7/12/1902

5) A note which just says (in pencil) “Lancs 309 See 1904 Prosecution file” and has date stamp of 14 Jun 1904

6) Change of name to Downham Benevolent Society dated 3/12/1904

7) Rules 1904

8) Dissolution document dated 16/9/1912 cash assets £1726 5s 11½  members 56 

9) Annual return to date of dissolution. States no of members 60 (one having died during the year): Assets £1302 5 11½

10) duplicate of 9

Subs Book 1847 three pages of members

Subs Book 1824 agm minute and two pages of members

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